2012 in review – Stoner retires! Rossi leaves! Ducati sold! OMG Justin Bieber buys an 848! | Ducati.net | Ductalk: What's Up In The World Of Ducati | Scoop.it

Our first year of Ductalk.com has now come to an end and in reflection, I don’t remember a year when there was more to write about in the Ducati world and that’s coming from somebody that bought her first Ducati 23 years ago.  In that regard, our timing to start Ductalk was lucky, because few days came and went without something worthy of mention.  Bombshell announcements (Stoner retires! Rossi leaves! Ducati sold! Justin Bieber buys an 848!) were the monthly norm. And the images? Well, I doubt there will ever be another rider and bike combination more beautiful at rest or speed than the spectacular colors in combination of Ducati, Rossi and Drudi....

For the rest go to http://www.ducati.net/2012/12/2012-in-review-stoner-retires-rossi-leaves-ducati-sold-omg-justin-bieber-buys-an-848/