Ben Spies apologizes to Carlo Pernat | Ductalk: What's Up In The World Of Ducati |

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After the crime, the apology. Hoping that it is not just crocodile tears. Ben Spies and his mother Mary made a call last night to Carlo Pernat , the subject of a comment infangante posted on Twitter by the Texan in recent days. Ben and his mom called me - confirms the Genoese manager - and we talked for a long time. I gladly accepted their apologies, for me the matter is closed . " Pernat reacted with elegance in an act condemned by the whole paddock and the Ducati in the first place.

Yesterday the justifications to the act were multiple and contradictory to each other . The first was that Ben was under the effects of anesthesia, although the tweet in reference to the transaction was the next day. Then, through Superbikeplanet , Mary Spies has declared puzzled by the fact that that message had been awarded to her or her son. He also added that Ben had not at that moment the phone with him, and even though he had written it on marine biotoxins in Pernat would not be so obvious. Even the child would know six Carlo, does not specify whether it is his habit then name them all publicly with unflattering terms.

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