Jennifer Aniston: On her love, $500,000 dollars (and a Ducati) | Ductalk: What's Up In The World Of Ducati |

(Translated from Italian)

How much does it cost! Jennifer Aniston has spent more than 500 thousand U.S. dollars on her boyfriend Justin Theroux . All in gifts. That's right, the star and girlfriend in these eleven months has really shown to have an accordion wallet, as they say, and be willing to play it quite frequently to his sweetheart.

 The huge figure includes gifts of respect, like the leather jacket that belonged to James Dean (12 thousand dollars), a painting by Genn Ligon (450 thousand dollars) and two motorcycles, a Ducati from 33 thousand and 24 thousand U.S. dollars for a Harley Davidson.
 She also spent more than a million to furnish their new home in Los Angeles and 750 thousand dollars for an expert in feng sui.
 'E' in a position of great advantage, economically speaking, so why not spend it for the man she loves? "Said a friend of Jennifer.

 Neither, in fact, seems embarrassed by the spree Aniston: With 120 million dollars of income, who can blame them?