Canadian Chris Willenberg rides from Toronto to LA  on a Ducati 996 to raise diabetes awareness | Ductalk: What's Up In The World Of Ducati |

Davisville Village area resident Chris Willenberg is hopping on his trusty motorcycle and taking an international journey to help battle diabetes.

Willenberg grew up in a family where diabetes is frighteningly prevalent. On July 1, he will embark on a trip from Toronto to Los Angeles on his 2001 Ducati 996 to raise awareness of the disease and collect funds for the Canadian Diabetes Association.

“There are a lot of causes out there to pick and choose from, but my sister’s a type 1 diabetic and has been for 38 years, since age four,” he said.

“Both my parents are type 2 diabetics and I have aunts and uncles who have diabetes as well.”

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