2WheelTuesday visits the Ducati Factory in Italy | 2WheelTuesday.com | Ductalk: What's Up In The World Of Ducati | Scoop.it
2WheelTuesday visits the birthplace of Ducati motorcycles in Bologna, Italy.

Bologna , Italy is home to all things red. With Ferrari, Lamborgini, Bolognese sauce (red meat pasta sauce), and most importantly Ducati all in the same region you cannot help but notice that this region is all about passion for engines and beautiful styling. How can I forget to mention the excellent food.
Touring the Ducati tour was one of the most amazing motorcycle experiences to date. While waiting outside for our tour guide to appear from the Ducati Factory we could not help but notice the rumbling of several Ducati engines in the background. The beautiful music that these engines make in harmony made the hair on the back of my neck stand up....more here: http://2wheeltuesday.com/2012/04/2wheeltuesday-visits-the-ducati-factory-in-italy/