Morbidelli Museum - Petrol in the Veins | | Ductalk: What's Up In The World Of Ducati |

I thought my visit to the Museo Morbidelli in Pesaro, Italy would be the usual motor-museum thing; bored receptionist to greet you, a wander around looking between bike and the corresponding information card stuck on wall, bike, card, bike, card, bike, card.
This visit however, was going to be a little bit different...
Instead of a bored receptionist, the first person I met was the man himself, Giancarlo Morbidelli, and he wasn't bored at all, he was attempting to mow the front lawn with an uncooperative electric mower. I suggested he give up on the mower and try a pair of scissors but the joke didn't translate very well into Italian and he looked at me like I was 'special'. We soon hit it off though when he discovered I was an Australian with a girlfriend from Pesaro; later in the afternoon, when his friends dropped by for a chat (including Marco Benelli of Motobi) he had great fun in introducing me as the Australian who’d come to steal their women!

For the rest of this story and it's photos, click HERE